Jonathan Tromane
Author, Artist Copy writer and Creative

Welcome to the Jonathan Tromane website. Jonathan shares his time between writing and painting, using acrylic paints. On this home page you will find his latest paintings, previews of books written and projects in progress. You can explore further by clicking on the buttons for the support pages. Enjoy your visit to the Jonathan Tromane Web site. Just added in the Short Story section - read about another "Dark" story from the "On the Dark Side" collection.
New paintings:
REMEMBERING VENICE: Of the international locations Jonathan has visited over the years, Venice stands out. A unique city without a doubt. This painting depicts the famous Rialto Bridge over the Grand Canal and to make the painting task more challenging it is a night scene. It is the most detailed painting Jonathan has completed and one he is quite proud of.


Asian Green
Bee eater
This painting is of a beautiful little bird Jonathan saw in Sri Lanka when he visited there in 2024. It lives in various countries across Asia but you have to be quick to spot it.
Stony Point - Mornington Peninsula

This painting is a view of the Stony Point jetty as seen from Woolleys Beach. Both locations are on Western Port Bay.
There are many courses available on short story writing. Jonathan completed a short story writing course and novel writing course when he first started writing seriously. Based on his knowledge and experience with writing short stories he put together an article on the elements of a short story. That article can be viewed in the Short Story section of this web site. New writers might gain from reading it.
ABOUT POETRY: When you write poetry, and stories you paint pictures with words. Readers should be able to visualise what the writer is trying to depict, whether it be a scene, a person or some type of action. It's all part of the creative process. The following poem explores how the creative mind develops something that hopefully can be visualised. Have a read and see if you can picture the images that Jonathan is creating here.

The Twilight Years
The Twilight Years relates Jonathan's experiences working in the Australian Healthcare system as a Caregiver. Jonathan describes the difficulties, pleasures and learning experiences in caring for aged and disabled people in their own homes. During his 10 years in this role he met many wonderful people and helped them manage various medical conditions - Parkinsons, MS. MND, Cancer Cerebral Palsy and more - as they did their best to enjoy their Twilight years.


MANDATE EXPLORES THAT POSSIBILITY WITH A FICTIONAL TERRORIST ATTACK IN MELBOURNE. Although this novel is set in 1989/1990 what happens then could easily happen today.
Projects in progress
The Van Bladen Deception:

When two young boys discover a sealed metal box in a dry lake bed and take it away to see what it contains thay unleash a deadly train of events that places them and various other people in extreme danger.
The events following the discovery attract the attention of ASIO intelligence agent Geoffrey Logan. When he starts investigating what has been happening he treads on the toes of his own boss and attracts the attention of an American billionaire and his associates. That group of high profile businessmen appear to be working on a major project to benefit all mankind but their leader and some of the group members appear to act in a manner that is questionable.
The action takes place in Australia and in the beautiful US city of Seattle.

V Four
A Melbourne radio talk show host is targetted by a secret group to promote their activities in moving the government to improve the justice system: to make the penalty fit the crime. In doing so they open a can of worms that leads to lethal consequences.

Jonathan commenced his working life in the agricultural industry as an accounts clerk. After five years the urge to travel gripped him and he headed for England, set London as a base and proceeded to see as much as he could of Britain, Ireland and Europe. His funds weren't too flash so in between trips he worked in casual jobs in London. As he travelled both ways to the UK by ship he managed to see a bit more of the world during ports of call and he actually circumnavigated the world by sea.
On his return he commenced a career spanning 30 years in the automotive industry with one of the major manufacturers. When he reached middle management one of
his roles was as an advertising manager and it was in that role that he developed a love of creative writing. He completed 2 tech school courses - novel writing & short story writing to hone his skills.
On leaving the company he took on a more relaxed job as a copywriter and started writing poetry and short stories in his spare time and then wrote his first novel which he ended up shelving after some poor reviews . He then got serious and wrote Mandate and published it as an E book.
When the small marketing company that Jonathan worked for closed its doors he had a big career change and worked as a caregiver in The Australian Healthcare Industry for 10 years. That experience enabled him to write and publish "The Twilight Years". It highlighted what it was like caring for aged and disabled people in their own homes. The book was originally published in paperback and is also available as an E Book. Just click on the button on the HOME page or in the BOOK section of this site.
COPY WRITING SERVICE: Company name "JTC - Jonathan T Creative"
Jonathan has written volumes of copy over the years covering a variety of products and programs - including incentive programs, travel blurbs and technical write ups.
Refer to the CONTACT page to email Jonathan.