Jonathan Tromane
Author, Artist Copy writer and Creative

Welcome to the Jonathan Tromane website. Jonathan shares his time between writing and painting, using acrylic paints. On this home page you will find his latest paintings, previews of books written and projects in progress. You can explore further by clicking on the buttons for the support pages. Enjoy your visit to the Jonathan Tromane Web site. Just added in the Short Story section - read about another "Dark" story from the "On the Dark Side" collection.
New paintings:
REMEMBERING VENICE: Of the international locations Jonathan has visited over the years, Venice stands out. A unique city without a doubt. This painting depicts the famous Rialto Bridge over the Grand Canal and to make the painting task more challenging it is a night scene. It is the most detailed painting Jonathan has completed and one he is quite proud of.


Asian Green
Bee eater
This painting is of a beautiful little bird Jonathan saw in Sri Lanka when he visited there in 2024. It lives in various countries across Asia but you have to be quick to spot it.
Stony Point - Mornington Peninsula

This painting is a view of the Stony Point jetty as seen from Woolleys Beach. Both locations are on Western Port Bay.
There are many courses available on short story writing. Jonathan completed a short story writing course and novel writing course when he first started writing seriously. Based on his knowledge and experience with writing short stories he put together an article on the elements of a short story. That article can be viewed in the Short Story section of this web site. New writers might gain from reading it.
ABOUT POETRY: When you write poetry, and stories you paint pictures with words. Readers should be able to visualise what the writer is trying to depict, whether it be a scene, a person or some type of action. It's all part of the creative process. The following poem explores how the creative mind develops something that hopefully can be visualised. Have a read and see if you can picture the images that Jonathan is creating here.

The Twilight Years
The Twilight Years relates Jonathan's experiences working in the Australian Healthcare system as a Caregiver. Jonathan describes the difficulties, pleasures and learning experiences in caring for aged and disabled people in their own homes. During his 10 years in this role he met many wonderful people and helped them manage various medical conditions - Parkinsons, MS. MND, Cancer Cerebral Palsy and more - as they did their best to enjoy their Twilight years.


MANDATE EXPLORES THAT POSSIBILITY WITH A FICTIONAL TERRORIST ATTACK IN MELBOURNE. Although this novel is set in 1989/1990 what happens then could easily happen today.
Projects in progress
The Van Bladen Deception:

When two young boys discover a sealed metal box in a dry lake bed and take it away to see what it contains thay unleash a deadly train of events that places them and various other people in extreme danger.
The events following the discovery attract the attention of ASIO intelligence agent Geoffrey Logan. When he starts investigating what has been happening he treads on the toes of his own boss and attracts the attention of an American billionaire and his associates. That group of high profile businessmen appear to be working on a major project to benefit all mankind but their leader and some of the group members appear to act in a manner that is questionable.
The action takes place in Australia and in the beautiful US city of Seattle.

V Four
A Melbourne radio talk show host is targetted by a secret group to promote their activities in moving the government to improve the justice system: to make the penalty fit the crime. In doing so they open a can of worms that leads to lethal consequences.
Jonathan's first published novel is MANDATE. It is available as an E-Book from leading E book publishers. A detailed synopsis is shown below.

ISBN 978-1-62209-297-0
In the early 1970's whilst establishing his terrorist organisation Libyan terrorist Nadim Jabain's path inadvertently crosses that of a young orphaned Dutch girl -named Magda- whom he takes under his wing, initially as a companion for his unbalanced son Fuad. He soon discovers however that the girl is extremely intelligent and looking for direction. When she becomes intrigued with his activities he decides to train her and bring her into his organisation. She becomes so committed to his cause and so good at everything he teaches her that he sends her to Australia to be his leading sleeper agent there, much to the disappointment of Fuad who has become her lover.
In May 1989, soon after the Australian Prime Minister announces that Melbourne is to host a CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) later that year, an Irish Mercenary named David Roth arrives in Melbourne. One week after he arrives a massive explosion rocks the city and leaves the police and other security forces in turmoil. The explosion is blamed on Middle Eastern terrorists but no one claims responsibility. Chief Inspector Bradley Curtis is assigned to investigate the crime, with the backing of the country's security forces. A struggling young Special Operations officer named Geoffrey Logan and his disabled father also become involved.
Curtis and his team become more and more frustrated as each lead they pursue peters out and they face constant pressure from the powers that be to get a result but the terrorists seem to keep that one step ahead. As time passes the conclusion is drawn that the explosion was some sort of test and a prelude to something bigger. The concern is that the event it will occur at will be the forthcoming CHOGM.
When the CHOGM dates are announced Jabain's adopted daughter Magda surfaces to lead her group on a mission to carry out her foster father's mandate and deliver a body blow to the Western World. As the CHOGM draws near the terrorists have two setbacks that give the police a more solid lead at last. A desperate manhunt then begins to try and locate them before they strike. Geoffrey Logan joins Curtis in the pursuit as again the enemy stays that one step ahead. As each day of the conference slips by the two officers and their superiors are still left guessing as to what the target will be and when they will strike.
The climax is designed to shock, leaving a lasting impression that we live in very dangerous times and that the war against terror will be long and daunting.

In January 2010 Jonathan commenced employment as a caregiver . The role involves providing personal care and other assistance for aged people, and other people of all ages with illnesses and disabilities. The other assistance element includes driving people to appointments, home duties, cooking meals for them, providing companionship, respite care, helping with their shopping etc.
This book is about his experiences in this role with a selection of people with a variety of medical conditions. It is laced with a number of emotions, (humour, sadness, bereavement) and is based on his observations of these people as they live their lives in that period after they became ill - which leads to their eventual demise. He has called that period "The Twilight Years". Some of them he has looked after until they passed away, others have moved on to permanent care or were picked up by other organisations. In all cases his time with them has been a rewarding experience. Jonathan says he is continually learning so much about life, about how people deal with debillitating conditions and he has learnt a lot about death itself. Many questions have been raised in his mind over the last few years. The main one being "Is there an afterlife? what happens in the darkness beyond the twilight"?
AN EXCERPT FROM 'The Twilight Years'
Claire Barnes welcomed me at the front door of the Barnes family home located in one of Melbourne’s leafy exclusive suburbs. It was my regular weekly respite shift with her husband Trevor. I would spend three and a half hours keeping an eye on Trevor while Claire had a well deserved break from the difficulties of living with and caring for a man with advancing Vascular Dementia.
Trevor was roaming around the house while Claire readied herself for her outing. She was a delightful lady – cultured, sophisticated, elegant and caring. She always made sure she had left me one of her tasty cakes and that I knew where the kettle and tea was. When she appeared she was well dressed in an understated way. Before she left she said goodbye to Trevor and told him where she was going; I wish she hadn’t. It would have saved me from the most traumatic day in my short caregiver career.
“Where are you going?’ He asked.”
“To the Library.” She replied.
“Where?” Trevor was losing his hearing; he possessed hearing aids but refused to use them making communicating with him extremely difficult.
Claire looked straight at him and spoke slowly and loud. “To The Library.”
“Oh! The Library.”
She kissed him and left leaving him staring after her in what appeared to me to be a confused state. Once the front door closed I assumed he would settle down, potter in the garden or the garage where, at that time he did a bit of craft work. No! I was wrong, totally!
He went into his room and started to change his clothes; comfortable slacks and a smart blazer. It was a delightful summer day so sunglasses followed, wallet in his pocket and then he said goodbye to me and headed for the front door.
My thought processes then went into overdrive. My knowledge of a respite shift was that it took place in the client’s own home where the person being cared for remained however Trevor Barnes, although he was not well mentally, at eighty plus years old he was physically fit and very strong.
My efforts to request that he stay home until his wife returned fell on deaf ears, pardon the pun, so I had no option but to tag along to see where he was going. The unfortunate thing about the location of the Barnes home was that it was situated close to a tram line. To my horror Trevor crossed to the other side of the road and headed for the nearest stop. The amazing thing about Melbourne’s trams is that if you need one in a hurry they seem to take forever. I didn’t want one to come along but within minutes one arrived and Trevor hopped on board. He completely ignored the ticket machine and settled in a seat. I sat near him and after two stops, with the aid of another passenger who realized what was happening having seen the Carer ID I was wearing, I miraculously persuaded him to get off the tram. I then attempted to convince him that we should go back home. At this point he realized we had tricked him into getting off and he became quite angry; he blasphemed and pushed me away. I realized then how strong he was and that I had to rethink my strategy. The only problem with that was, I really didn’t have a strategy in the first place. My nonexistent plan wasn’t helped by Melbourne’s tram network either. Within minutes another tram arrived and Trevor climbed on board without the slightest hesitation. This left me with no alternative but to join him and go with the flow. So there I was in charge of an unpredictable man, with dementia and hard of hearing. He had no ticket, I had no change to buy a ticket and the tram company quite often had inspectors, who didn’t take kindly to people who hadn’t paid their fares. When the vehicle moved on every nerve in my body seemed to tense up while I sat there wondering what could possibly happen next! ........